The UN’s children charity, UNICEF, has announced its preparedness to treat 137,000 people in the event of “Acute Watery diarrhoea” during the upcoming hot season.
“As summer temperatures rise, so do cases of Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD). If untreated, AWD can be life-threatening,” UNICEF in Afghanistan tweeted on Sunday.
“With support from the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF), UNICEF is pre-positioning AWD treatment kits with health partners to treat more than 137,000 people,” the organisation added.
Earlier this month, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a 24% increase in cases of acute watery diarrhea with dehydration in May compared to the previous month, totaling 15,571 cases, and recorded six deaths attributed to the disease in May 2023.
Factors contributing to the prevalence of diarrhoea include high temperatures, limited access to clean drinking water, and inadequate adherence to health guidelines.