A young man who was an original resident of the northeastern Panjshir province died under Taliban torture in Kabul, sources confirmed to Kabul Now. The Taliban arrested him last Friday, and his family received his dead body today.
A source identified the young man as Shamsullah, a resident of the Rukha district in Panjshir.
The Taliban arrested him on Friday, December 02, in the limits of the 17th police district in Kabul, and his family received his dead body on Monday, December 05, the source added.
According to Shamsullah’s relatives, he was severely tortured and beaten by the Taliban.
His hands and feet were broken, and there were signs of choking visible in his neck, one of his relatives detailed.
His family is now shocked that the Taliban have killed him since he did not have any connection with the Taliban’s opposition fronts.
In the meantime, some sources said that Shasullah had criminal records and was in prison for a while in Panjshir prison during the previous government.
The Taliban have arrested tens of Panjshir residents in recent months on charges of cooperation with the anti-Taliban National Resistance Front (NRF).
In the latest arrests, the group detained five Panjshir residents in Kabul city on Sunday, December 04.