Photo: ISNA

Iran Hangs Two Afghan Citizens Amid Surge in Capital Punishment

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN – Iranian authorities have reportedly executed nine individuals, including two Afghan citizens, for drug-related offenses and premeditated murder at Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj city.

Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO), an organization monitoring human rights abuses in Iran, reported that the executions of these individuals took place on Wednesday, January 1. The two Afghan citizens, Pacha and Amir, were convicted of drug trafficking and murder, respectively.

According to the rights group, the remaining seven individuals, all Iranian nationals, were also executed on charges of murder and drug-related crimes.

These are the latest executions carried out by the Islamic Republic, which has the highest rates of capital punishment in the world. In recent years, the country has executed hundreds of people, including women and Afghan nationals, for various charges, primarily related to drug offenses, national security, and murder.

The rights group reported earlier that the execution of Afghan nationals in Iran has significantly increased since the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan in 2021.

According to the report, Iran executed 16 Afghan citizens in 2022, including a minor and a woman. This number increased to 25 in 2023, and the pace has quickened, with at least 73 Afghan citizens executed in 2024.

Human rights organizations have repeatedly criticized Iran for its use of capital punishment, particularly for drug-related crimes, arguing that these actions violate international law and the right to life.

Amnesty International says that the death penalty, without exception, constitutes a violation of the right to life as articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

“The shameless rate at which the authorities are carrying out drug-related executions, in violation of international law, exposes their lack of humanity and flagrant disregard for the right to life,” said Diana Eltahawy, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

“The international community must ensure that cooperation in anti-drug trafficking initiatives do not contribute, directly or indirectly, to the arbitrary deprivation of life and other human rights violations in Iran,” she added.