
NRF claims of killing two Taliban fighters and injuring four in Parwan province

Anti-Taliban armed group, the National Resistance Front (NRF) claims its forces attacked a checkpoint in Bagram district of Parwan province and killed two Taliban soldiers and injured four.

Led by Ahmad Massoud, the NRF said, that at around 3am on Monday, its fighters attacked a Taliban checkpoint in an area known as Dosaraka with RPGs, which was followed by gunfires.

None of its forces were harmed, the NRF said.

60 kilometres north of Kabul, Bagram district is home to the Bagram Airfield, which was the largest US military base in Afghanistan during its 20 year presence in Afghanistan.

Earlier, the Afghanistan Freedom Front (AFF), another armed group which operates closely with the NRF, claimed that its fighters had killed two Taliban members after attacking checkpoint in Kabul on Sunday night.