In his message released on Tuesday ahead of Eid al-Fitr, the Taliban supreme leader, Mullah Hibatullah Akhudzada, has praised the group for making “significant” progress in the “implementation of Islamic law”.
Mullah Hibatullah Akhundza said:
“Significant reform measures have been taken in culture, education, economy, media and other fields, and the bad intellectual and moral effects of the 20-year occupation are about to finish.
“Countrymen should consider these reform measures important, because living in the light of Sharia principles will lead to the well-being of our world and the hereafter, as well as the eternal happiness, success and salvation of our society. “
He further calls on “religious scholars” to work closely with the group’s Ministry of Vice and Virtue “in informing the people of religion and reforming their acts throughout the country.”
Despite girls being banned from beyond primary school age, the Taliban supreme leader has praised the group for making progress in reforming the education sector.