The Norwegian Chargé d’affaires to Afghanistan Paul Klouman Bekken met with the Taliban’s foreign minister Amir Khan Muttaqi in Kabul on Thursday, urging the group to lift restrictions on women and girls’ rights to education and work.
“Met with df Foreign Minister Muttaqi in Kabul today, as well as with df Minister of Economy Hanif. Urged the DFA to allow full access for women and girls to education and reverse the ban on women in NGOs. Norway is committed to continuing engagement to resolve these issues.” Paul Klouman Bekken tweeted.
Hafiz Zia Ahmad, the deputy spokesman of the Taliban’s foreign ministry, said the Norwegian diplomat expressed his country’s readiness a long-term relationship with Afghanistan and would further work for the Taliban’s political interaction with its international partners.
Amir Khan Muttaqi, according to Hamid Zia Ahmad, said “we must try to bring the world and Afghanistan closer to each other; “Norway has notable experience in this and can play a role.”