A teenage girl and a young woman committed suicide over the past two days in the northern Parwan and Faryab provinces, local sources confirmed to Kabul Now.
Late on Saturday, October 29, a 15-year-old girl hanged herself in the Bazar area of Jabal Saraj district of Parwan province. According to the source, the teenage girl committed suicide after she was forced to engage with a man.
Local Taliban officials have said they have already started an investigation to discover the facts of this case.
In another case, a young woman committed suicide by self-poisoning in the Kohistan district of Faryab province. The incident occurred on Sunday, October 30, in the 1st district of Maimana, the capital city of the province.
The woman is said to have ended her life due to domestic violence.
A source details that the woman’s husband was in Iran, and she was frequently subjected to violence by her in-laws. The woman has left a child behind, the source added. Afghanistan has witnessed a dramatic rise in suicide cases in different provinces. Poverty, domestic violence, forced marriages, and child marriages are reportedly the key factors behind this growing level of suicide cases.