Aid Agencies Distribute Poor-Quality Food Assistance; Residents of Badakhshan

Residents of Badakhshan, in north-eastern Afghanistan, complain about the poor-quality food assistance distributed by aid agencies to people in this province and they demand the aid agencies to not distribute low-quality food.

Nazribik, a resident of the Shaki district of Badakhshan, says that among the few food items distributed, the flour is of poor quality, out of date, and cannot be used.

Mubarak Shah, a resident of the Shighnan district of Badakhshan, also criticizes the quality of food assistance distributed and says that in the current situation, people are facing severe economic problems and their only hope is receiving help from international humanitarian organizations. “Some of the distributed food items such as oil and chickpeas can be used, but the flour is out of date and it does not make tasty bread”, adds Mubarak Shah.

The Taliban local officials in Badakhshan have also confirmed the distribution of low-quality food assistance in some districts of the province. They have shared this issue with the distribution office of the World Food Program in Badakhshan (WFP) and their partner organizations.

Similar complaints have been reported in some other provinces, including Takhar province.

The people say that aid agencies are distributing out-of-date and poor-quality food. There have always been complaints, including corruption, in the process of distributing humanitarian aid.  It is believed that this humanitarian assistance does not reach the needy.