Pres. Ghani off to Istanbul to attend Heart of Asia conference

Leading a high-level delegation, President Ghani left Kabul earlier today, December 08, for Istanbul in Turkey to attend the 8th summit of the Heart of Asia – Istanbul Process Conference.

In a statement published by the Presidential office, it is stated that President Ghani met with officials from various countries by attending and speaking at the meeting of the Heart of Asia in Istanbul, Turkey.

Issuing a statement, the presidential palace said that Ghani will meet with officials of various countries on the sidelines of the conference.

The Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process (HoA-IP) was founded on November 2nd, 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey.

This platform was established to address the shared challenges and interests of Afghanistan and its neighbors and regional partners.

The Heart of Asia is comprised of 15 participating countries, 17 supporting countries, and 12 supporting regional and international organizations.