Armed nomads (kochis) have recently invaded several villages in the Khedir district of central Daikundi province, causing destruction to crops and pastures. The nomads are allegedly supported by the Taliban, and they have threatened locals who are unable to defend themselves against the invasion.
A local anonymous source told KabulNow that the nomads have been moving into Khair-Abad and Kaj-Derakht in the Ghamqul region for several days, blocking the road of Upper-Ghamqul in the process. The nomads have reportedly threatened locals, collected money from some families, and imprisoned others.
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The situation is not new, as the same nomads reportedly invaded other areas of the province last year and claimed ownership of lands belonging to indigenous people. The locals rely on agriculture and livestock for their livelihoods, and the destruction caused by the nomads’ invasion would force them to migrate.
The residents of Khedir district urge the Taliban officials to take action and stop the harassment of people by the nomads.
The Taliban has not yet commented on the situation.
Pashtun nomads’ spring move to the Hazarajat region of Afghanistan has long been a contentious issue in the country. The Hazaras complain of nomads trampling over their lands and behave violently toward the communities.